Thursday, May 03, 2007

Idol Food and Youth Camp in Estonia

June 22: We were invited to have dinner with Mike from Canada. On our way into town we stopped at the Hari Krishna temple. Monesh asked us if we would be offended by eating food offered to their god. I said, “No, would you?” He wasn’t so we went in, he returned the stuff he had borrowed, and an estonian girl served us food from some plastic buckets on a table. The food was the offered to their god and this was the leftovers that we got to eat. It was pretty good. We went up stairs where the monks were eating and we sat at a short table on the floor. When we first entered It felt really weird being there so I quietly prayed in tongues and everything became fine. Apparently, in all their temples all over the world they feed everyone that come. The rich get very preferential treatment for obvious reasons. That afternoon we met up with Mike and his Estonian wife for dinner.

June 23:Jaanipaav day (St. John's Day-St. John's Birthday) also the Summer Solstice.
Today we went to Surapy for the Jaanipaav Day (John’s Day) conference at the Surapy Bible College. We met Kadre and became pretty good friends. That night the Bishop of the Pentacostal churchs here spoke. Planting new churchs was stressed. They want to plant 1000 churches in the next 6-7 years here in Estonia. David Wilkerson was in town a few days earlier and gave a large prophetic word for Estonia. Everyone has been talking about it. He said great days were ahead for Estonia. That night we all went to the huge Jaanipaav bon fire. Before they lit the fire we had some really fun traditional dances with a large ring of people. I kept thinking American teens would probably think they were too cool to participate. Here the cool teens sing or dance and they boast about it. I danced with a girl named Lees. At around 10pm the sun was still setting over the Baltic Sea and the sunset was beatiful. We had a good conversation as far as we could with her limited English. I soon found out she hadn’t given her heart to the Lord. After awhile she prayed with me to receive the Lord. We all stayed up late around the bonfire talking. Nathan really connectes well with everyone especially the young adults. They all seem to really like him and are drawn to him.

June 24: Ian Green from England spoke and it was really good. The man was quite funny. Another Pastor spoke from America on church planting. He had some really radical ideas and promoted a lot of servant evangelism. Loora and Oola showed up and that was a great supprise. They have become like family to us already. Its amazing to me to see how God brought us together. We met seemingly by accident in a church we weren’t supposed to be in two sundays ago. The taxi driver took us to the wrong church and the rest is history.
June 25: Ian Green spoke again


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